Perfume Princess Daphne: The Ultimate Guide to Growing and Caring for This Fragrant Shrub

Hello, Good News! If you are looking for a plant that will fill your garden with heavenly scent and beautiful blooms, you have come to the right place. In this article, we will tell you everything you need to know about Perfume Princess Daphne, a stunning hybrid of Daphne odora and Daphne bholua that has been hailed as the best daphne ever bred.

Perfume Princess Daphne is a flowering evergreen shrub that offers year-round interest, blooming heavily from mid-winter to late spring, with possible sporadic summer blooms. It has glossy green leaves and large clusters of pink flowers that fade to white as they age. The flowers are not only gorgeous, but also highly fragrant, with a soft citrus undertone that will delight your senses.

Why Choose Perfume Princess Daphne?

Perfume Princess Daphne is not your ordinary daphne. It has many advantages over other varieties that make it a superior choice for your garden. Here are some of the reasons why you should consider growing this amazing plant:

It has the longest and earliest flowering season of all daphnes

One of the most remarkable features of Perfume Princess Daphne is its long and early blooming period. Unlike other daphnes that only flower for a few weeks in late winter or early spring, Perfume Princess Daphne starts blooming in mid-winter and continues until late spring, giving you months of floral display. It can even produce some flowers in summer, depending on the climate and conditions.

This means that you can enjoy the beauty and fragrance of this plant when most other plants are dormant or just starting to wake up. You can also extend the season by planting it in a container and moving it indoors or to a sheltered spot when the weather gets too cold or hot.

It has larger and more abundant flowers than other daphnes

Another feature that sets Perfume Princess Daphne apart from other daphnes is the size and quantity of its flowers. It produces very large flower clusters, up to four times larger than other daphnes, that cover the entire plant, not just the branch tips. The flowers are also more numerous, creating a spectacular show of color and scent.

The flowers are pale pink when they first open, then gradually fade to white as they mature. They have a sweet and spicy fragrance that is reminiscent of citrus and jasmine. The fragrance is so strong that it can fill the air around the plant and attract bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds.

It has better sun and heat tolerance than other daphnes

Perfume Princess Daphne is also more adaptable and resilient than other daphnes. It can tolerate more sun and heat than other varieties, making it suitable for warmer climates and sunnier locations. It can grow in full sun to part shade, as long as it is protected from harsh afternoon sun and strong winds.

It can also cope with some drought once established, but prefers regular watering during dry spells. It does not like wet or soggy soil, so make sure it has good drainage. It can grow in any soil type, but prefers slightly acidic and well-composted soil.

How to Grow Perfume Princess Daphne?

Perfume Princess Daphne is not a difficult plant to grow, as long as you provide it with the right conditions and care. Here are some tips on how to grow this wonderful shrub:

Choose a suitable location

The first step to growing Perfume Princess Daphne is to choose a suitable location for it. As mentioned above, it can grow in full sun to part shade, but avoid placing it in areas where it will receive harsh afternoon sun or strong winds. It also likes some protection from frost and snow in colder regions.

The ideal location for Perfume Princess Daphne is one where you can enjoy its fragrance and beauty from close by, such as near a window, doorway, or pathway. You can also plant it in a container and move it around as needed.

Prepare the soil

The next step is to prepare the soil for planting. Perfume Princess Daphne likes slightly acidic soil with good drainage and plenty of organic matter. You can improve the soil by adding some compost or well-rotted manure before planting. You can also use a soil pH tester to check the acidity level of your soil and adjust it accordingly with lime or sulfur if needed.

Avoid planting Perfume Princess Daphne in soil that is too alkaline, too wet, or too compacted, as this can cause root rot and other problems. You can also raise the planting area slightly to improve drainage and air circulation.

Plant the shrub

The final step is to plant the shrub in the prepared soil. Dig a hole that is twice as wide and as deep as the root ball of the plant. Gently remove the plant from its pot and loosen the roots slightly. Place the plant in the hole and fill it with soil, making sure the top of the root ball is level with the ground. Firm the soil around the plant and water it well.

After planting, you can apply a layer of mulch around the base of the plant to conserve moisture and prevent weeds. You can use organic materials such as bark, pine needles, or straw for mulching. Avoid using peat moss, as it can lower the pH of the soil too much.

How to Care for Perfume Princess Daphne?

Perfume Princess Daphne does not require much maintenance once established, but it does benefit from some basic care to keep it healthy and happy. Here are some tips on how to care for this shrub:


Perfume Princess Daphne likes moist but well-drained soil. It can tolerate some drought once established, but it prefers regular watering during dry spells. Water the plant deeply and thoroughly when the top few inches of soil feel dry to the touch. Avoid overwatering or underwatering, as both can cause stress and damage to the plant.

During winter, reduce watering to prevent waterlogging and freezing of the roots. If you grow Perfume Princess Daphne in a container, make sure it has drainage holes and do not let it sit in a saucer of water.


Perfume Princess Daphne does not need much fertilizing, as it can get most of the nutrients it needs from the soil. However, you can apply a balanced slow-release fertilizer once a year in spring to boost its growth and flowering. You can also use an organic fertilizer such as fish emulsion or seaweed extract if you prefer.

Avoid using high-nitrogen fertilizers, as they can promote leafy growth at the expense of flowers. Also avoid applying fertilizer directly on the stem or roots of the plant, as this can burn them. Spread the fertilizer evenly around the drip line of the plant and water it well after applying.


Perfume Princess Daphne does not need much pruning, as it has a natural upright and slightly spreading habit that does not need shaping. However, you can prune it lightly after flowering to remove any dead, damaged, or diseased branches and to maintain its size and form.

Avoid pruning too heavily or too often, as this can reduce flowering and cause dieback. Also avoid pruning in late summer or fall, as this can stimulate new growth that may not harden off before winter. Use clean and sharp tools for pruning and dispose of any cuttings safely.

Pests and diseases

Perfume Princess Daphne is relatively pest and disease resistant, but it can still be affected by some common problems that affect daphnes. Some of these include:

  • Aphids: These are small sap-sucking insects that can infest the leaves and stems of daphnes. They can cause distortion, curling, yellowing, or wilting of the foliage, as well as honeydew secretion that attracts ants and fungal growth. You can control aphids by spraying them with insecticidal soap or neem oil, or by releasing natural predators such as ladybugs or lacewings.
  • Scale insects: These are small armored insects that attach themselves to the stems and branches of daphnes. They can cause stunted growth, yellowing of leaves, or dieback of branches. You can control scale insects by scraping them off with a fingernail or a soft brush, or by spraying them with horticultural oil or neem oil.
  • Mites: These are tiny spider-like creatures that feed on the undersides of leaves. They can cause stippling, bronzing, or webbing of the foliage. You can control mites by spraying them with insecticidal soap or neem oil, or by increasing humidity around the plant.
  • Root rot: This is a fungal disease that affects the roots of daphnes. It is caused by poor drainage, overwatering, or planting in heavy clay soil. It can cause wilting, yellowingor browning of leaves, or death of the plant. You can prevent root rot by planting in well-drained soil, watering moderately, and avoiding wetting the foliage. You can treat root rot by removing any affected parts and applying a fungicide.
  • Leaf spot: This is another fungal disease that affects the leaves of daphnes. It is caused by humid or wet conditions, or by splashing water or soil on the foliage. It can cause brown or black spots, holes, or blotches on the leaves. You can prevent leaf spot by providing good air circulation, watering at the base of the plant, and removing any fallen leaves. You can treat leaf spot by applying a fungicide.

A Detailed Table Breakdown of Perfume Princess Daphne

To give you a quick overview of Perfume Princess Daphne, we have prepared a table that summarizes its main characteristics and requirements. You can use this table as a reference guide when growing and caring for this plant:

  • The longest and earliest flowering season of all daphnes.
  • The largest and most abundant flowers of all daphnes.
  • The best sun and heat tolerance of all daphnes.
  • The best fragrance of all daphnes.
  • Frequently Asked Questions About Perfume Princess Daphne

    Is Perfume Princess Daphne deer resistant?

    Yes, Perfume Princess Daphne is deer resistant, as most daphnes are. The plant contains toxic alkaloids that deter deer and other herbivores from browsing on it. However, deer may still nibble on the plant if they are hungry enough or if there are no other food sources available. Therefore, it is advisable to protect your plant with a fence or repellent if you have a serious deer problem in your area.

    Is Perfume Princess Daphne invasive?

    No, Perfume Princess Daphne is not invasive, as it does not produce viable seeds or spread by runners. The plant is sterile and can only be propagated by cuttings or tissue culture. Therefore, it will not escape cultivation and invade natural habitats. However, you should still be careful when disposing of any plant material, as it can still root and grow if it comes in contact with soil or water.

    How do I propagate Perfume Princess Daphne?

    The best way to propagate Perfume Princess Daphne is by taking semi-hardwood cuttings in late summer or early fall. You can also take softwood cuttings in spring or early summer, but they are more prone to wilting and rotting. To take a cutting, select a healthy stem that has flowered and cut it about 4-6 inches long. Remove the lower leaves and dip the cut end in rooting hormone. Insert the cutting in a pot filled with moist perlite, vermiculite, or sand. Cover the pot with a plastic bag or dome and place it in a bright but indirect light. Keep the soil moist but not wet and mist the cutting regularly. The cutting should root in 4-8 weeks. You can then transplant it to a larger pot or to the garden.

    How do I transplant Perfume Princess Daphne?

    The best time to transplant Perfume Princess Daphne is in spring or fall, when the weather is cool and moist. Avoid transplanting in summer or winter, as this can cause stress and shock to the plant. To transplant, dig up the plant carefully, trying not to disturb the roots too much. Prepare a new hole that is twice as wide and as deep as the root ball of the plant. Add some compost or well-rotted manure to the bottom of the hole and mix it with some soil. Place the plant in the hole and fill it with soil, making sure the top of the root ball is level with the ground. Firm the soil around the plant and water it well. Apply a layer of mulch around the base of the plant to conserve moisture and prevent weeds.

    How do I overwinter Perfume Princess Daphne?

    Perfume Princess Daphne is hardy to USDA zones 7-9, which means it can survive temperatures as low as -18°C (0°F). However, it may still need some protection from frost and snow in colder regions. You can cover the plant with a frost cloth or burlap during cold nights or heavy snowfalls. You can also move the plant to a sheltered spot or indoors if you grow it in a container.

    How do I prune Perfume Princess Daphne?

    Perfume Princess Daphne does not need much pruning, as it has a natural upright and slightly spreading habit that does not need shaping. However, you can prune it lightly after flowering to remove any dead, damaged, or diseased branches and to maintain its size and form. Avoid pruning too heavily or too often, as this can reduce flowering and cause dieback. Also avoid pruning in late summer or fall, as this can stimulate new growth that may not harden off before winter. Use clean and sharp tools for pruning and dispose of any cuttings safely.

    How do I fertilize Perfume Princess Daphne?

    Perfume Princess Daphne does not need much fertilizing, as it can get most of the nutrients it needs from the soil. However, you can apply a balanced slow-release fertilizer once a year in spring to boost its growth and flowering. You can also use an organic fertilizer such as fish emulsion or seaweed extract if you prefer. Avoid using high-nitrogen fertilizers, as they can promote leafy growth at the expense of flowers. Also avoid applying fertilizer directly on the stem or roots of the plant, as this can burn them. Spread the fertilizer evenly around the drip line of the plant and water it well after applying.

    How do I water Perfume Princess Daphne?

    Perfume Princess Daphne likes moist but well-drained soil. It can tolerate some drought once established, but it prefers regular watering during dry spells. Water the plant deeply and thoroughly when the top few inches of soil feel dry to the touch. Avoid overwatering or underwatering, as both can cause stress and damage to the plant. During winter, reduce watering to prevent waterlogging and freezing of the roots. If you grow Perfume Princess Daphne in a container, make sure it has drainage holes and do not let it sit in a saucer of water.

    What are some companion plants for Perfume Princess Daphne?

    Perfume Princess Daphne can be grown alone as a specimen plant or in groups as a hedge or border. It can also be combined with other plants that have similar needs and complement its features. Some good companion plants for Perfume Princess Daphne are:

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      Perfume Princess Daphne is a wonderful plant that will add beauty and fragrance to your garden. It is easy to grow and care for, as long as you provide it with the right conditions and avoid some common problems. It has many benefits over other daphnes, such as longer and earlier flowering, larger and more abundant flowers, better sun and heat tolerance, and better fragrance. It is also deer resistant, non-invasive, and sterile.

      If you are looking for a plant that will fill your senses with joy and delight, you should definitely try Perfume Princess Daphne. You will not regret it. We hope this article has given you all the information you need to grow and enjoy this amazing shrub. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to leave them below. And if you liked this article, please check out our other articles on gardening and plants.

      Perfume Princess Daphne: The Ultimate Guide to Growing and Caring for This Fragrant Shrub

    Characteristic Value
    Botanical name Daphne x transatlantica ‘Perfume Princess’
    Common name Perfume Princess Daphne
    Plant type Evergreen flowering shrub
    Hardiness zone 7-9
    Mature size 4-5 feet tall and wide
    Bloom time Mid-winter to late spring, with possible summer blooms
    Bloom color Pink fading to white
    Bloom shape Clusters of tubular flowers
    Bloom fragrance Sweet and spicy with citrus and jasmine notes
    Foliage color Glossy green
    Foliage shape Oval to lanceolate leaves
    Sun exposure Full sun to part shade
    Soil type Any soil with good drainage and plenty of organic matter
    Soil pH Slightly acidic (5.5-6.5)
    Water needs Moderate, keep soil moist but not wet
    Fertilizer needs Low, apply a balanced slow-release fertilizer once a year in spring
    Pruning needs Low, prune lightly after flowering to remove dead or damaged branches and maintain shape and size
    Pest and disease resistance High, but watch out for aphids, scale insects, mites, root rot, and leaf spot
    Toxicity level High, all parts of the plant are poisonous if ingested or in contact with skin or eyes. Keep away from children and pets.
    Special features: